Monday, May 31, 2010

Best Rose Gardening tips

Rose gardening tips should teach us how to have beautiful roses in abundance after all those are the reasons we got the rose plants in the first place. We want beautiful roses and the more the better.

One usually thinks in terms of fertilizers when wanting healthy plants so let's discuss that first. What you want is what's called a complete fertilizer. This is fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potash.

When you buy a bag of fertilizer you will notice on the bag a series of three numbers like 10-5-5. What this tells us is the bag contains 10 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphate and 5 percent potash. A high quality fertilizer, which is recommended for your roses, would be 10-10-10 or even a 12-12-12.

Take a rake and rough up the ground around your rose plant and then mix in with this roughed up ground some of this high quality fertilizer. Do this from the base to about 6 inches out making a full circle around the base. Then sprinkle water lightly on top to help the fertilizer mix in and become a part of the soil. This should be done in the spring and some gardeners fertilize about once a month which I think is overkill. A couple of times a year is fine if that doesn't work for you, you can always increase it. I just think it's better to err on the side of less work (ha). Hey don't laugh too hard, I'm sure you agree.

Another important part in rose gardening tips is pruning because this has an important affect on the abundance of your roses.

In areas with harsh winters the rose plants will go dormant which means they stop growing which is done to survive harsh environmental conditions (winter, frost, snow). When the harsh winter is over and just before growing season begins you want to do a major pruning (cutting back) on your rose plant. A major pruning is when you cut down all the canes (stems, branches) a full third to one half of their size. You cut back to give the bush a nice shape, like getting a haircut, and the pruning stimulates stem and flower growth. Which is why you do it just before growing season and not during it dormancy.

Most gardeners talk about this "once a year" pruning but the truth is you can prune any time for any reason. Another good time to prune is around mid summer when the flowers are getting a little old and going down hill. Doing a pruning at this time, cutting off all the deadheads (dead flowers) will stimulate a whole new growth of fresh beautiful roses.

But you don't have to wait for your roses to go downhill. You can cut off young flowers for your vase for your indoor enjoyment. It won't harm your rose plant, again it just stimulates further rose growth. How nice is that? You get beautiful roses for your indoor enjoyment without the huge price tag at the flower shop and there is no sacrifice to your rose bush. How's that for some nice rose gardening tips?

Best Tips to Maintain Rose Flowers

Rose flowers are believed to be the top most of floriculture but farmers are trying to compete with roses and grow marigold and tuberoses to attract huge demand in the near future from international market.

Gardening is fun and easy if you take certain measures and plan for proper growth of plants. You can plan and create a rose garden of your own that will take away the stress of your day with its beauty.

The rose garden that you love and admire so much can be yours if you follow few easy steps in planning and in raising your roses.

Here are few tips for rose gardening

The rose garden ultimately is a get away for you and your thoughts any time of the day. One important thing to remember is that rose flower love sunshine, so you have to take care that you grow the rose plants only in full sun areas.

If you have a partially shaded area where you want to grow new rose bushes, you may have to consider moving your plants to where the roses will receive at least six hours of sun a day or more.

The other important thing to remember is to have plenty of water for the growth of rose flowers. You will need to water your roses at least once a week as your rose establishes itself.

Rose plants usually require severe pruning, which must be adapted to the intended use of flowers. Trim off all broken and bruised roots on the rose plant, cut top growth back to 6 to 8 inches.

Clay soils, warm temperatures are always preferred and the rose plants grow the best when not set among the others.

The soil that you plant your rose in does need to drain well because the rose bush will not thrive in the moist area all the time. Refraining from planting your rose in an area that fills with puddles will aid in your successful flower rose garden.

Care for your rose garden

For a perfect growth of rose flowers, cow manure is the preferred fertilizer, but other organic fertilizers and especially composts are also used. Provide a balanced diet to your roses.

The fertilizers should be used particularly while active growing and blooming stage to enhance the vigor of blooming in your roses.

Mulching is also needed during summer to take care and helps to eliminate weeds among rose plants. In the winter, mulching with straw and peat moss is advisable.

Disease related to Rose flowers

Roses are subject to several diseases. The most serious is rose rust. This disease is caused due to fungus formation. Fungal diseases are best solved by a preventive fungicidal spray program rather than trying to cure an infection after it is visible.

Following simple tips, you can grow rose flowers successfully where ever you like to.

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