Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Special Situations Soil Types

The chalk is a maximum of below the soil surface. Chalky soils tend to be free-draining and dry out in the summer, so digging in lots of compost will help the soil to hold moisture. Alkaline soils are ideal for a range of shrubs, and this selection will all grow to at least. Lilacs are all sweetly scented and flower in early summer. Remove the dead flower heads immediately after flowering. The shrub rose variety 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' has single pink flowers in summer and deFearly summer.
Mock orange produces large s single white flowers with a maroon blotch in the centre and flowers in summer with a strong fragrance. Osman thus delavayi likes an alkaline soil and has small dark evergreen leaves with clusters of small, fragrant white tubular flowers in spring. And there are many more, including Berberis darwinii, Olearia macrodonta, Buddleia davidii and Forsythia variety 'Lynwood have an alkaline soil and I would like to grow rhododendrons and heathers, but I am not sure if this is possible.There are some heather, such as Erica vagans and E. terminal's, that will tolerate a limy soil, but the majority of heathers and heaths do need an acid soil. The best way to get round the problem is to make raised beds by forming walls using second-hand railway sleepers or bricks, and filling the bed with imported soil that has been tested and is free of lime. Rhododendrons are shallow-rooting and dislike being planted deeply.
A simpler and cheaper method is to mound the imported soil without using side walls and then plant the heathers, which don't require deep soil, on the shallow lower part of the slope.The soil in a raised bed is more likely to dry out, so dig in lots of compost at planting time and surface mulch to retain moisture Analysis for acid or alkaline soil is shown as a pH reading where is neutral, below  is acid and readings above that are alkaline or limy.